Radiology Rounds – 10/11/22

For #RadiologyRounds this week we have a mystery case from the pulmonary clinic complete with imaging and exploration of PFTs. Follow along for some great clinical pearls and teaching points about lung function tests. Graphics made with the help of outstanding educator Kaitlin Seitz.

What imaging views would you get next?

A) Supine and prone

B) Inspiratory and expiratory

C) High resolution

D) With contrast

What test would you get next?

A) Bronchoscopy



D) Lung US

What do these PFTs show?

A) Restriction concerning for ILD

B) Restriction concerning for obesity

C) Restriction concerning for weakness

D) Mixed obstruction and restriction

The patient was referred to neurology and ultimately diagnosed with severe mixed sensory and motor chronic axonal polyneuropathy.