74. Global Definition of ARDS

We have had a number of episodes on Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome or ARDS. These episodes have ranged from how to titrate PEEP, subphenotypes in ARDS, and the future of ARDS research. Today, we are talking about how we all think about and define ARDS, and work that has highlighted a newer global definition of ARDS. 

Dr. Elisabeth Riviello is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a PCCM physician at Beth Israeal Deconess Medical Center. She is also an Affiliate of the HMS Department of Global Health and Social Medicine and an honorary Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care at the University of Rwanda. She is passionate about improving critical care delivery in resource limited settings and has served on Committees for the World Health Organization. She is the Principal Investigator of BREATHE or the (Building Respiratory Support in East Africa Through High flow versus standard flow oxygen Evaluation); a RCT looking at HFNC in five sites in Kenya, Malawi, and Rwanda.

Dr. Theogen Twagirumugabe is an Anesthesiologist and Intensivist at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, and a Professor at the University of Rwanda. In addition to clinical work, he has his PhD in Medical Sciences. He is a widely succesful researcher with over 70 publications in critical care and anesthesia delivery and is also a lead investigator in the BREATHE initiative.

Matthay MA, Arabi Y, Arroliga AC, Bernard G, Bersten AD, Brochard LJ, Calfee CS, Combes A, Daniel BM, Ferguson ND, Gong MN, Gotts JE, Herridge MS, Laffey JG, Liu KD, Machado FR, Martin TR, McAuley DF, Mercat A, Moss M, Mularski RA, Pesenti A, Qiu H, Ramakrishnan N, Ranieri VM, Riviello ED, Rubin E, Slutsky AS, Thompson BT, Twagirumugabe T, Ware LB, Wick KD. A New Global Definition of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2024 Jan 1;209(1):37-47. doi: 10.1164/rccm.202303-0558WS. PMID: 37487152; PMCID: PMC10870872.

Riviello ED, Buregeya E, Twagirumugabe T. Diagnosing acute respiratory distress syndrome in resource limited settings: the Kigali modification of the Berlin definition. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2017 Feb;23(1):18-23. doi: 10.1097/MCC.0000000000000372. PMID: 27875408.

ARDS Definition Task Force; Ranieri VM, Rubenfeld GD, Thompson BT, Ferguson ND, Caldwell E, Fan E, Camporota L, Slutsky AS. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: the Berlin Definition. JAMA. 2012 Jun 20;307(23):2526-33. doi: 10.1001/jama.2012.5669. PMID: 22797452.

72. PulmPEEPs and ATS Critical Care Assembly: A New Reality for Critical Care after Dobbs

Welcome to our first episode of ATS 2024 highlighting content featured through the ATS Critical Care Assembly. Today we are going to be talking about one of the Critical Care Assembly Symposiums entitled: “A New Reality for Critical Care after Dobbs.”

Meet our Guests

Dr. Katie Hauschildt is a Faculty Research Associate at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine where she conducts research on equity in healthcare and critical illness recovery. She has her PhD in Sociology from the University of Michigan and an Advanced Fellowship in Health Services Research from the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, and is a board certified patient advocate.

Dr. Kathleen Akgün is an Associate Profess or Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. She is the Association Section Chief for the VA section of Pulmonary, the Co-Director of the Network of Dedicated Enrollment Sites Program, the director of the MICU at the VA Connecticut health care system, and a member of the DEI Working Group at Yale.

Meet our Collaborators

The American Thoracic Society Critical Care Assembly is the largest Assembly in the American Thoracic Society. Their members include a diverse group of intensivists and care providers for both adult and pediatric critically ill patients. The primary goal of the Critical Care Assembly is to “improve the care of the critically ill through education, research, and professional development.”

References and Further Reading

Good Trouble Indiana: https://www.goodtroubleindiana.org/

McHugh K, Bosslet GT, Rouse C, Wilkinson T. Doctors think “advocate” is a dirty word. But it’s our ethical responsibility. STAT Newshttps://www.statnews.com/2023/06/01/caitlin-bernard-indiana-abortion-10-year-old-advocacy/. Published June 1, 2023.

MacDonald A, Gershengorn HB, Ashana DC. The Challenge of Emergency Abortion Care Following the Dobbs Ruling. JAMA. 2022;328(17):1691-1692. doi:10.1001/jama.2022.17197

Ashana DC, Chen C, Hauschildt K, et al. The Epidemiology of Maternal Critical Illness Between 2008-2021. Ann Am Thorac Soc. Published online June 14, 2023. doi:10.1513/AnnalsATS.202301-071RL

Sonntag E, Akgun KM, Bag R, et al. Access to Medically Necessary Reproductive Care for Individuals with Pulmonary Hypertension. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Published online June 13, 2023. doi:10.1164/rccm.202302-0230VP

Griffin KM, Oxford-Horrey C, Bourjeily G. Obstetric Disorders and Critical Illness. Clin Chest Med. 2022;43(3):471-488. doi:10.1016/j.ccm.2022.04.008

Her Body, Our Laws: https://bookshop.org/p/books/her-body-our-laws-on-the-front-lines-of-the-abortion-war-from-el-salvador-to-oklahoma-michelle-oberman/9007091?ean=9780807089071

Watson K, Oberman M. Abortion Counseling, Liability, and the First Amendment. N Engl J Med 2023;389(7):663–7.


51. The DEI Pipeline in PCCM in Collaboration with the ATS Critical Care Assembly

Welcome to our final episode highlighting content featured through the ATS Critical Care Assembly from ATS 2023. Today we are going to be talking about one of the Critical Care Assembly symposiums entitled: Fail Smarter and Learn Faster: Moving Beyond Bystander Training to Organizational Strategies to Reinforce the DEI Pipeline in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine.

Meet our Guest

Liz Viglianti is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Michigan. In addition to obtaining her MD at Duke, and completing her residency and fellowship at Michigan, she also has an MPH and completed a Masters of Science in Health and Healthcare Research at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses include persistent critical illness and sexual harassment within medicine.

Juan Celedón is a Professor of Pediatrics, and a Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology, and Human Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh, where he is also the Division Chief of Pediatric Pulmonology. In addition to his MD and pulmonary pediatric specialty, he has a doctoral degree in Public Health. He is a world renowned researcher, has been recognized for his scientific achievements by multiple societies including the ATS and the American Pediatric Society, leads large NIH funded research initiatives, and is the author of 100s of publications.

Meet our Collaborators

The American Thoracic Society Critical Care Assembly is the largest Assembly in the American Thoracic Society. Their members include a diverse group of intensivists and care providers for both adult and pediatric critically ill patients. The primary goal of the Critical Care Assembly is to “improve the care of the critically ill through education, research, and professional development.”

References and Further Reading

Santhosh L, Babik JM. Diversity in the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Pipeline. Trends in Gender, Race, and Ethnicity among Applicants and Fellows. ATS Sch. 2020 Mar 5;1(2):152-160. doi: 10.34197/ats-scholar.2019-0024IN. PMID: 33870279; PMCID: PMC8043294.

Suber TL, Neptune ER, Lee JS. Inclusion in the Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine Physician-Scientist Workforce. Building with Intention. ATS Sch. 2020 Aug 12;1(4):353-363. doi: 10.34197/ats-scholar.2020-0026PS. PMID: 33870306; PMCID: PMC8015761.

Kalantari R, Tigno X, Colombini-Hatch S, Kiley J, Aggarwal N. Impact of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Loan Repayment Program Funding on Retention of the National Institutes of Health Biomedical Workforce. ATS Sch. 2021 Sep 1;2(3):415-431. doi: 10.34197/ats-scholar.2020-0158OC. PMID: 34667990; PMCID: PMC8518664.

Radiology Rounds – 5/9/2023

A woman in her 30s with no past medical history presents with acute dyspnea, fever and a non-productive cough. She has no sick contacts or recent travel. She is not on home medications.. She smokes 1/2 cigarettes per day and and occasionally vapes.

She is found to have diffuse bilateral patchy ground-glass opacities with some interlobular septal thickening. She has escalating oxygen requirements and was initially started on broad-spectrum empiric antimicrobial therapies.

Her initial serum infectious work-up and RVP are negative. She denies any new occupational or home exposures. She does not appear to respond to antibiotics after 72 hours.

You start empiric steroids (prednisone 60 mg daily) given concern for acute eosinophilic pneumonia. Within 48 hours she is weaned off HFNC and was discharged home on D7 on room air with close pulmonary follow-up.

She was amenable to tobacco cessation therapies and was followed closely outpatient with tapering of her steroids over 4 weeks.